Monday, October 15, 2012

Phone Losers Prank Elderly Hoveround Customers

RBCP tricks a Hoveround customer service rep into giving him the phone numbers of a few of their customers, then he calls and messes with the old people.


  1. Hi Brad, I just watched your video and I was curious as to why you chose to prank older and disabled people?

    You are clearly a creative person to be making videos and you looked like you were having fun. However, I wonder how much thought you gave to whether you might have caused these older people some distress? Our society tends to fear and villify aging and as a result, negative stereotyping of older people is pretty common - your prank video unfortunately feeds into that tendency. The title of the piece 'Old People Are Funny' exemplifies that negative stereotyping.

    I don't know if you have grandparents who are living or other older people in your life, but if you do, I am sure you would not want someone else to make them the subject of a prank or joke like this. Having a sense of humor is a valuable and protective factor in aging successfully - being laughed at is definitely not. The one consoling factor is that the first lady you spoke to seemed to think you were quite funny and at least she took the conversation in stride. Good for her!

  2. Hey Jenny. I do make more of an effort not to be a jerk to old people and that's why I was saying crazy things to them instead of mean things. That first lady loved me and I'm almost tempted to call her back and just chat with her, as I'm sure she'd appreciate it, but I'm worried that it would get awkward once she learned I'm not really with Hoveround. I did buy her a birthday card this week and I'm going to make sure it reaches her before her birthday.

    The grouchy old man at the end seemed to be looking for something to get mad about, the way he said "What of it?" when I told him who I was. I'm sure I did cause him distress and I probably should have called him back and told him it was a prank. Hopefully he realized that on his own after thinking about the absurdity of a coin operated scooter.

    My grandparents are dead now, but I honestly think they could have handled some weirdness on the phone like this when they were still around, even near the end. My brother and I used to mess with their heads occasionally with pranks (not prank calls) and they always seemed to enjoy it.

    I'm not trying to make excuses, but I really don't feel like I was being mean to these old people. I will keep what you've said in mind in future interactions with old people though.

    I just hope you don't find my YouTube video where I tell my grandma about my new lifestyle of drugs, hookers, and homosexuality. THAT one was mean.

    1. Brad, thanks for replying. I accept that your intent wasn't malicious - you don't seem like a mean person. It's just that in a world - our world - that generally seems to disresepct older people, too many people are ready to laugh at them, not with them. On the other hand, a world without humour would be a boring place and it's often a safe way to explore things we are a little afraid or uncertain of. Thanks for your willingness to listen - and for your creativity!

  3. You need a J-O-B !!!...and not as a would starve.
